Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crew42: Cold Hands, Warm Hearts!

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  1. These pictures are amazing! They definitely take me back to when I was a 3rd grader growing up in Brooklyn, NY during the cold winter season. Thanks for sharing your experiences!--Mr. M.

  2. Hey guys I missed you all but oh boy! I had fun. I woke up and sledded with my friends and went to my friends home. We had a snowball fight- Robbie, Miller Kettle, and I did. I sort of made up a different game called capture the flag snowball fight. It was cold, icy, and snowy. Next day we had a snowball fight, sledded and went to our friends house again. Woke up had breakfast went to the Kettle's @ 2:00 for a movie day had s'mores and lots of fun. We had company on Thursday --Nick, Maggie, Miller, Abby and Mr. and Mrs. Kettle . We played board games like Axis and Allies, watched Nancy Drew and Secret of Roan Inish and the Kettles stayed for dinner. Of corse mom made me do reading and math too. Miller and Nick are coming over today to finish Axis and Allies and then we are out to sled again. Its been a great week. see you on tuesday students and teachers rc 3

  3. I have enjoyed this week so far. I've had snowball fights with my friends but now, it's all ice. I think it be more fun to ice skate than to throw snowballs. Seriously, who would want to play in ice? Also, I think that staying home is boring. The roads were icy and we couldn't go anywhere. At least we can drive now. This week is sure uneventful except for the snow(which is basically ice.)

  4. I went sledding and almost every time I went down I landed on my face.


  5. I went sledding. It was so much fun!!!!!!! I sledded in my field and sledded down my driveway. I also had snowball fights. That was really fun too. i had a lot of fun but the snow was icy snow. If you broke the ice you could see the regular fluffy white snow. I had a wonderful time this winter in the snow!!!!!!!!!!!

    CR 14

  6. My dad got his old sled from my grandparent's house so we could go sledding! First it was just me and my dad, then my neighbor came. We found a HUGE hill, it was scary but fun. Over the other days we found new hills and went on the old ones. It was so much fun!

    MM 10

  7. I had fun sledding everyday. I used my boogie board to sled. My friend came over they had a sled too. I went outside everyday. I also made 3 Power Points.


  8. I went sledding in my neighbor's front yard. I found a big piece of ice. It is about a foot and a half long. I fell so many times on the ice that I got 11 bruises on my knees.


  9. On January 10 I woke up and went sledding with our neighbors Christopher, Michael, Maggie, Jack, Will and Wright. On the fourth day we ran our sled into a curb. We also played ice football. We also watched Despicable Me & Alpha and Omega.(Despicable Me for the fourth time.) TJ 6
